I am again awarded MVP Dynamics CRM, 3rd time in a row, 2008, 2009 & 2010 , wow great..
for more to see MVP .. https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/imran.mustafa
1. Dynamics CRM 2011 / CRM 5
2. Dynamics CRM 4.0
3. Dynamics CRM 3.0
4. Sharepoint or 3rd party Systems integration etc.
I can help you any implementation of above mentioned CRM or Sharepoint.
[MVP CRM] = https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile/imran.mustafa
MSN/IM= mscrmexpert@gmail.com
SKYPE= mscrmexpert
BLOG= http://microsoftcrm3.blogspot.com
Linkedin = http://www.linkedin.com/in/mscrmexpert
Twitter = @mscrmexpert